Sunday 27 November 2016

Target Audience

What is Target Audience? 
Target audience is the intended viewer of the film that's going to be released - it's a particular group of consumers that the product will be aimed at, probably because they will get the most enjoyment out of it than anyone else. There are certain factors that define the target audience for each individual film, for example, the genre of a film may affect the target audience for a film as certain groups of people will be drawn to a specific genre typically. For example, a teen film's target audience is probably going to be directed at teenagers due to the general themes and characters that teenagers can relate to. Another thing that may draw a specific target audience to a film is the actual individual content of the film. Although the genre may somewhat define the conventions and content - the nature of the content may vary depending on the film. Using comedy as an example, comedies that include specific content will probably have an adult audience whereas comedy with quite childish or all-appropriate humour will probably be best suited for children.

Target Audiences for Specific Genres
The genre is one of the biggest factors to effect what defines the target audience of a film. The following list provides the generic and convention target audience of certain genres.

  • Comedy - Comedy genre target audience varies greatly, depending on the nature of the humour used. Overall, as a broad genre, comedy is generally all-age appropriate as it's enjoyable to laugh regardless of your age or gender - there isn't a general limit/restriction on the target audience. When regarding the content and nature of the humour, the specific target audience may vary, for example, in comedies in which sexual humour is predominant in the film then the film is definitely for adults as the adult themes are not appropriate for children. This will change the age rating of the film (most likely either 15+ or 18+, depending on how graphic) which serves as a guideline to prevent the wrong target audience from watching it. Explicitely sexual adult-comedies will also probably be more aimed at males, as its a common misconception that females find sexual humour innapropriate or to poor taste because females are supposedly more 'pure' or 'innocent' and don't enjoy engaging in 'manly' activities like laughing at dirty jokes etc. Comedies that involve more childish and easy-to-understand/toned down humour would be more appropriate for children and families, as children are able to understand the jokes. This age rating is often either a U or a PG. 
  • Horror - Target audience for the horror genre is relatively similar throughout the entire genre - because of the scary or graphic nature of the film genre it will generally be aimed at adults - particularly young adults as older people may find it tasteless etc. It would not be targeted at squeamish people, as they wouldn't be able to sit through it or even want to watch it at all. On the other hand, it could be aimed at relatively squeamish people because then they would genuinely find it scary and want to watch it for the rush etc. Moreover, if they find it genuinely scary then the film follows its purpose of actually invoking negative emotions in the audience. There are some variants of horrors that may be aimed at slightly younger people, for example, The Woman in Black has a younger target audience as the imagery isn't overly graphic and it isn't too scary so its appropriate for younger audiences. However, this being said, the general target audience of a horror film would be adults (especially young adults). Certain horror films may be aimed at men, particularly when the idea of a sexualised female character is employed because this (as a generalisation) would be what stereotypically appeals to a man and therefore they would feel inclined to watch it. Moreover, its a common misconception within our society that men are tougher than women and that women are squeamish, this, therefore, makes films of this nature be aimed at men because people assume that it would not appeal to women, this isn't always the case, though. 
  • Action - Statistically, the target audience for action films is adult males. The certificate rating on most action films is 15+ or 18+, due to the violent nature and is, therefore, inappropriate to children. Elderly people may find the chaos too intense, hard to follow or tasteless, which therefore leaves the age range from young adults to middle age men. Stereotypically, the violence doesn't appeal to women as women are deemed more empathetic than men and would find the chaos and violence difficult to watch. Men are stereotypically more 'tough' and are therefore more inclined to enjoy the violence and danger in the film. The sexualisation of female characters often appeals to men too. 
  • Drama - Because of the serious nature of drama films, they often don't appeal to children. The realism may be too ordinary and boring to them and the emotional journey of the characters won't be very exciting as children are typically easily distracted. Moreover, dramas often handle subjects like death and grief etc., which may not be considered appropriate for young children. Stereotypically, men are interested in action packed films with violence etc. Dramas may not be considered exciting enough according to the stereotypical male as its too slow and realistic. Adults, especially older adults, would be most interested in drama films because it contains subject matters they can relate to having experienced more in their life. It may appeal to females as they're supposedly more empathetic and therefore enjoy watching emotional works. 
  • Romance - Romance films are generally aimed at adult (due to any sexual nature, or children are typically not interested in love and romance) females, as it's a common notion that females are more emotional than men and therefore enjoy watching these kinds of emotional films. The films promote the conception that females are more empathetic than males. Because of the norms of our society historically, women have been socialised into prioritising love and romance, this is why females would typically be interested in romance films. On the other hand, these movies are also aimed at couples, as couples are able to relate to these kinds of films. On the contrary, it can be argued that romance films are aimed at everyone because a romantic sub-plot is involved in almost every Hollywood film. 

What Would be The Target Audience for Your 'Idea So Far'?
Based on my idea so far, I have decided that I want to portray a more serious mood. The genre I am leaning towards is drama, as its easy to portray realism, especially in the opening two minutes as it would be hard to contain fantastical conventions. This therefore makes my target audience more adult/young adult, as a serious mood may bore younger audiences. A precise gender may be females, as they're considered more empathetic and would enjoy an emotional film. However, my secondary genre I am considering opting for is Science fiction - more precisely Post Apocalyptic. Science fiction/post apocalyptic is a genre that is stereotypically aimed at males because of the dark nature of the idea that the world as we know it has been destroyed. Science fiction typically appeals to younger audiences eg. teen and young adult. Using these two genres opens my film to a wider target audience. I would attract these people to my film by involving the many conventions associated with the genre, so therefore it will appeal to them and also allow them to identify the film as the genre they enjoy watching.

What Ways Would You Go About Attracting Your Target Audience?
Statistacally, social media websites are one of the most used websites on the internet. Using social media is an effective way to address audiences nowadays, especially younger audiences such as teens/young adults who frequently use said websites. Setting up a social media page and constantly updating will promote it on social media and is therefore a good way to reach my target audience. A specific social media website is Facebook, it contains a wide range of users across all ages, genders and cultures therefore I know my advertising is reaching a wide range of people. Using other online websites is effective too, to reach the minority of internet users who don't visit social media websites. Sponsored/pop-up adverts and banners on the side of websites is an effective way to reach a broad audience and gain attention. Placing these adverts on websites oriented at my target audience is an even more effective method as I know that the target audience is specifically being reached. For example, male forums.

Using trailers is one of the most effective ways to attract your target audience. Making an engaging and exciting trailer is important, however it is also important to convey conventions so the genre can be identified and the target audience associated with that genre will know its the type of film they'd want to watch. Airing these trailers on TV channels and in cinemas before films of the same genre is effective because the target audience associated with that genre is being addressed as they're the most likely people to be viewing that film.

Posters are important as the aesthetic, content and title of the poster/film can help the audience identify the genre types.

Putting posters in public places like billboards or on buses will target people throughout their day to day lives, they'll pass the posters often so they'll become more memorable to them.

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