Wednesday 4 January 2017

Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule
Now that I have everything else prepared, I can finally set dates and times for filming each scene and have discussed with the actors about when they're available to film. Not only do I have to work around my actor's schedules, I also have to take the weather into consideration (I would like it to be fairly sunny to achieve the most attractive footage and correspond with the peaceful aura), which is a fairly demanding task during this time of year.

Having discussed with Elliott, who will be playing the protagonist, as to when he is available for filming, we have come to an agreement as to when to film the primary scene in which only he will be present (and the dog). This will be filmed on a separate day to the secondary scenes to ensure that we have enough time to film both scenes. To film the secondary scenes, I conversed with all of my actors as to when they're available and have come to the following agreements.

Filming Day One 
Date: 14/1/17
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Thetford Forest

Filming the primary scenes involving only the dog and the protagonist will be on Saturday 14th January at 10:30AM. We have agreed on this time because it is during the daytime and therefore allows the most sunlight. Furthermore, starting early on means we have more time to film the sequence before sundown and we lose light. We have chosen this date because it is when both of us are available, furthermore, the weather is scheduled to be sunny which is an important factor when filming.

Filming Day Two
Date: 15/1/17
Time: 12:30 pm
Location: Watton Airfield (disused wartime building)

As this scene is set indoors, I don't need to rely heavily on the weather. This being said, as there are no artificial lights within the building, there will have to be sunlight in order to keep the building well-lit and prevent the footage from looking too dark or noisy. These scenes require all of the actors (excluding the dog) and this is the day in which everybody is available. Furthermore, the reason we have selected this time is because it suits everyone's schedules best. It's also not too late so there will be enough time for filming before we lose light.

Organising the first date was straightforward as I was only relying on two people's schedules (mine and the actor's) and both of our schedules were relatively open. Organising the second day was a little more difficult as I had to work around two additional people's schedules on top of mine and Elliott's. Although everybody was free for the majority of the day, I still had to sacrifice the morning as my actress was not available during the morning. Otherwise, it was fairly straightforward.

/// UPDATE \\\
Unfortunately, the location used in the Filming Day Two became unavailable when we were halfway through filming at approximately 2:20 pm, so we had to cancel filming for the rest of the day as there wasn't enough time to reach the backup locations and refilm the entirety of the scenes. This required rescheduling a day to devote to refilming the scenes in a different location.

Filming Day Three

Location One: Griston (Abandoned Chapel)
Date: 26/1/17
Time: 10:00 am

Location Two: Griston (Corrugated Steel Fences)
Date: 26/1/17
Time: 12:30 pm

This date and times suit everybody's schedule and allow enough filming time for the secondary scenes, especially seeing as they're closer than the previous location.

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