Friday 9 December 2016

Based On My First Draft

Based On My First Draft...
Now that I have drafted my script, I am able to examine my progression in media since I created my preliminary task at the very beginning of the course. Furthermore, I can begin thinking of ways in which my target audience would be able to consume my film. 

What Did You Learn During Your Preliminary Task?
During the planning/production/evaluation stages of my preliminary task, I learnt many things surrounding the different areas of filmmaking. 

Firstly, I learnt several filmmaking terms and techniques, for example, the match-on-action shot, the 180 degree rule and the shot/reverse shot. Knowing these basic techniques will benefit me in my coursework and any extended projects as they help improve how seamless and professional a piece of footage is which I can apply to my final coursework to improve its quality as a whole. Furthermore, from conducting the research into these techniques before completing my preliminary task, I have learnt appropriate times in which it would be most effective if these techniques weren't employed, which will help me decide if I want to incorporate these into my final coursework or not. I think I will likely include these guidelines to my coursework, to make it have the professionalism of a feature film. Especially the match-on-action shot to really simulate that seamless look that is in full-length feature films. 

Another thing I had learnt during my preliminary task was to consider other group member's input, as I was very stubborn and only stuck to my own ideas prior to this. Working in randomly generated groups was useful in allowing me to learn to make compromises and listen to others, which will strongly benefit me when working on larger projects with more crew members in the future. Although it has taught me how to work in groups and make compromises, it has also taught me that I would definitely rather work alone for my coursework because I will be able to make my own decisions surrounding everything, and helped me decide to work alone for my coursework. 

Other things I learnt during my preliminary task was the concept of editing. Although I didn't spend much time actually editing the footage as this role was assigned to another group member, I hovered around them the entire time to guide them. Watching and giving input into this process helped me gather a vague understanding into how the interface of a professional style editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro CS6) works. I also realised the power behind editing, and how just the way the shots are put into a sequence eg. the pace etc. can really alter the mood of a piece. I can keep this in mind when I go to edit my final piece. I will apply the knowledge I obtained from observing to editing my coursework.

I also developed my coordination skills as I learnt how to organise, cast and direct people. This will be useful during my coursework when coordinating people on set.

What Do You Want To Avoid During Your Coursework Because of Your Preliminary Task? 
After watching my preliminary task, I realised that the audio was quite bad quality and inconsistent so to avoid this during my coursework I will either not use dialogue/diegetic sound effects at all in my final piece, or somehow acquire a microphone capable of directed recording. Though, the former will likely be the plan as my idea would be more effective without dialogue. I would also ensure that the actual footage looks consistent by attempting to maintain the same conditions eg. lighting etc. Though this will be difficult as my idea relies on natural lighting which changes throughout the day. Another thing I would avoid in my coursework is leaving everything to the last minute. As we only had two hours to research, plan and produce our preliminary task, there wasn't much time for organising as we had to get it all done. This meant that we had to find actors who were willing and available to be in our project and find an appropriate location in a very short amount of time. This meant that our actors/locations weren't (potentially) the best they could be. Having that short amount of time to plan proved that it wasn't enough as our location was too small to film in and our actor wasn't the best at staying serious on camera all the while. This has taught me to save more time to find my actors/locations and all other planning so that nothing to do with organisation lets me down on the day of production.

What Ways Would Your Target Audience Ideally Be Able To Consume Your Film? 
Ideally, my film would be able to be consumed via a large, famous commercial cinema, eg. Odeon, Vue etc. in regular screenings as this would open it up to the public as commercial cinemas are very popular and therefore will give my film more publicity and allow more people to come and see it. Furthermore, cinemas appeal to all ages as they're a popular outing location which means it would reach not only the younger target audience surrounding my film, but other audiences too. Once my film had made its rounds in commercial cinemas, I think releasing it to DVD would be a good way for my target audience (young adults) to consume it as DVDs are sold in everyday places such as supermarkets etc. and therefore would be available to a huge group of consumers, who would also be willing to make purchases as they're in an area (supermarket/shop) where they went to make purchases. Another good instrument to use in order to let my audience consume my film is to release it on online platforms such as Netflix, NowTV, Amazon Prime etc. These platforms are frequently used by younger audiences (though not too young - young adults - as they're paid for and therefore would be typically paid for by people who work. eg. young adults) who are my target audience and therefore would be able to consume my film. Releasing it on other platforms such as Vimeo, which is used by people who are interested in cinema and filmmaking would be a good idea, as people who are interested in films would be more inclined to view it.

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