Tuesday 13 December 2016


Character Planning 
In my opening, I am including 4 characters. Though 2 are featured briefly, they are used as a method of exposition to help the audience truly understand what the protagonist has endured. The third character is featured briefly, yet is the only character that acts as a direct driving force in the narrative, this prevents the opening sequence from being too complex and therefore confusing the audience. I will create character profiles while using notes underneath each subject to justify why I've given them this specific attribute.

Character A - Protagonist
Character A is the protagonist and will appear throughout the majority of the sequence.

Name: Unnamed

The reason I didn't give my protagonist a name is because in this fictional world, as it isn't life as we know it, I was unsure whether I wanted the characters to use names as it is a very 'civilised' concept and the characters are said to live according to 'human instinct'. His name prior to the 'apocalypse' may be revealed depending on the direction of the film. 

Age: Young Adult

I didn't want the character to be tied to a specific age because this would give me more leniency with casting. Furthermore, their attributes did not associate with a specific age and, therefore, it would not matter too much, especially seeing as said attributes are a concept created by living in a society, this piece is not set in a society. The reason I wanted them to be a young adult, however, was because that would typically make a person more 'able' as they're in the prime of their life. If they were older they would struggle more and the concept of them surviving in a post-apocalyptic setting would be unrealistic, especially when a convention of dramas is realism. A character any younger would typically not be very experienced/emotional or able to survive as their bodies are too young and frail to cope in such an environment. 

Profession: "Survivor"

Because my character lives in a world in which employment is non-existent, they do not have a paidprofession. This being said, they take it upon themselves to fulfil the job of surviving: this would involve gathering, hunting and salvaging etc. 

Likes: His former significant other, animals

Living in a post-apocalyptic world, there wouldn't be many luxuries for the protagonist to like. Morevoer, the reason I have attributed so little interests to him is because I don't want to overcomplicate the opening by involving too many characteristics, so the only likes I've chosen to include are those that are established in the opening based on his reactions. The reason he likes animals is because his sudden restore in hope when encountering the dog suggests this. Furthermore, his dislike for humans because of past events has led him to like animals because they don't commit 'evil' deeds, human 'instinct' being a common theme in my opening. 

Dislikes: Other survivors, being alone, the world, life as he knows it

His dissatisfaction with being alone is understandable as it's a common dislike of most humans, especially when you have been literally alone for as long as he has. He hates the world because he's alone and he hates having to survive and live the way he does. His hate for life as he knows it is made evident by his attempt to end his own life. However, the main reason for his depression is being alone, which is why encountering the dog will change his mind. This leads on to the fact that he hates other survivors, despite being alone. This is because the survivors he had encountered before were the reason for the death of his partner, which has now led him no longer trusting other humans. 

History: A portion of the character's history is revealed in the opening two minutes, however slowly I think throughout the rest of the film the remainder of his history will be unravelled. For the portion the audience sees in the opening sequence, we find out that he had someone very close to him, assumedly his partner, though this isn't made explicit, is murdered brutally by another survivor. The protagonist either escaped or was left for dead, somehow surviving. Prior to this, he spent his time surviving/scavenging with his partner until he encountered the group of bloodthirsty looters which lead to his downfall.  Before the 'apocalypse' he lived a rather average lifestyle in an urban environment. Whether he met his partner after the 'apocalypse' or before is undecided.

Traits: Resourceful, agile and strong, emotional, strong-willed, empathetic, hopeful, bitter.

The reason he is resourceful, agile and strong is because he's survived this long, which only suggests that he must have these traits. He's evidently emotional when we meet him, and he's empathetic judging by how he reacts with the dog. Furthermore, incorporating the empathetic trait will make him more likeable as a character to the audience, he's strong willed because he's come this far and has only just broken down, and he's hopeful, though this isn't evident at the beginning, meeting the dog easily restores his hope so just a minor thing can make a big difference. Although depressed, I thought it would be appropriate that he's bitter about life and his past. This is suggested by the tone in the narration. 

Three Words to Describe Him: Broken, exhausted, isolated

Character B - Dog
This is the last character introduced but is the character that drives the narrative forward just a fraction to begin the film and create hope and suspense.

Name: Unnamed

As mentioned previously, there isn't a naming system in the world anymore, however, throughout the rest of the film he would likely be referred to by affectionate nicknames, eg. 'Buddy' etc. 

Age: Approximately 2 Years Old

Two years old is the prime of a dog's life and therefore the dog would be most able, this adds realism to it as an old dog would struggle in a situation and a puppy would be too dependent to survive on its own. 

Profession: Guarding

During the rest of the film the protagonist will use the dog to help keep an eye out on potential predators (other survivors).

Likes: the protagonist, friendly humans, food, playing

He likes generic dog things. 

Dislikes: threats, violent/threatening survivors

Especially seeing as he's used as a guard dog, it would be fitting that he dislikes threats. 

History: The dog was born after the 'apocalypse' as he's quite young, he was socialised and raised by kind humans which is why he has a fondness of the protagonist. His previous (or current, depending on the direction of the film) owner is a kind old secluded man. He was either killed by looters or lives in his own setup, where the dog may lead the protagonist.

Traits: Carefree, gentle, happy, hyperactive, protective, agile, impatient

He displays the generic traits of a dog: happy and carefree and hyperactive - the reason why I chose a dog because they contrast with the misery in which the protagonist is suffering. The reason I chose protective is because he works as a guard dog. 

Three Words to Describe Him: Happy-go-lucky, innocent, loyal

Character C - The Former Partner
This character is a huge part of the protagonist's past and is only featured to aid the exposition.

Name: Unnamed

Reinforcing the lack of naming system, however, throughout the rest of the film she will likely be referred to as 'somebody I used to know'. Her name prior to the 'apocalypse' may be revealed depending on the direction of the film. 

Age: Young Adult

Despite being deceased in the present time, she still evidently survived the 'apocalypse' and therefore would be most realistic if she was fairly young, active and able. Furthermore, having her a similar age makes them seem more like lovers as this isn't an established fact during the opening of the film.

Likes: the protagonist, animals

Obviously, she would have liked the protagonist. I decided that she liked animals as it's another reason as to why the protagonist is fond of the dog: he's a sweet reminder of her. 

Dislikes: Murder, violence

I imagine her to be quite an empathetic, passive character as she represents the old 'light of his life' and therefore must reflect positive things. Furthermore, it makes the fact that she died at the hands of violence just that more emotive. 

History: Before her death, she spent her time surviving with the protagonist. They pretty much share a history.

Traits: Empathetic, sympathetic, passive, patient, happy natured, kind

As she's supposed to reflect happiness as she was from a time of his life in which he was happy, I thought this traits were most fitting.

Three Words to Describe Them: Optimistic, loyal, passive

Character D - Murderer
Not much is learnt about this character during the opening, except that he's likely the initiater of the protagonist's downfall.

Name: Unnamed

Age: Adult

Precise age is, firstly, no longer a concept in this world, however, the audience will be able to see that the character is a little older than the protagonist and his partner. This is to make him seem intimidating to them as age often comes with authority. 

Profession: "Looter/bandit", this involves physically taking character's survival kits by either force or intimidation.

This involves physically taking character's survival kits by either force or intimidation and would be a fitting 'job' for a violent character. 

Likes: stealing, violence, murder

Dislikes: people who fight back, those who don't obey/submit to him, threats

History: This character grew to suit the rugged lifestyle of surviving and soon became the leader of a gang of looters/bandits, the power grew to his head and his sanity is now questioned.

Traits: manipulative, violent, shameless, unsympathetic, hateful

Three Words To Describe Them: unlawful, dishonourable, bloodthirsty

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