Thursday 8 December 2016

Plot Synopsis

Plot Outline
Based on my idea so far I have decided to construct a vague summary of what my film opening entails:

A man is left alone, desperate and depressed in a post-apocalyptic world after the murder of his significant other. When he hits rock bottom a source of hope (a happy-go-lucky dog) stumbles upon him in his time of need...

Detailed Plot Summary
A man, noticeably bruised and grazed, is seen slumped up against a wall. He's staring off into the distance mournfully. He then opens his bag and retrieves a gas mask, which he mounts to his face before walking out of frame. It then cuts to him walking through various scenery, establishing the post-apocalyptic setting. He looks cautious as he walks, but then suddenly a flash of a woman's face comes on screen and he quickly becomes tearful. He falls to his knees, taking off his gas mask. This triggers a flashback depicting the murder of his former lover with a blunt weapon by an unknown figure. He opens his bag to retrieve another item and it is slowly revealed that it is a gun. He holds the gun up to his head, ready to kill himself. Suddenly, there is a rustle in the bushes beside him and he turns momentarily. It is revealed suddenly that a dog has appeared out of nowhere. The man is shocked to see an animal alive and well. He places his gun down and investigates/examines the dog. A close up is used to see the man slightly smile - suggesting that he his hope has been restored.

If You Were To Create The Entirety Of The Feature Film, Where Would It Go?
If I were to create the rest of the film, it would follow the man through his journey with the dog he found. The dog may lead him to other survivors? It would portray his journey of grief and ultimately his acceptance of his loss - overcoming his emotional struggles. Perhaps it would also follow him take revenge on the person who killed his significant other.

Although the opening to the film depicts a linear narrative, I would quite like to employ a non-linear narrative, later in the film, to depict the protagonist's past and unravel details that led to his situation slowly throughout the film. Moreover, it could eventually reveal how the world itself came to be in this state as well as what the world was like prior to the 'apocalypse'.

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