Sunday 4 December 2016

Coursework Idea Three

Third Developed Coursework Idea
Looking at my mindmap, I opted to select three of my favourite ideas and expand on them. Out of these four (including my idea developed from a picture), I intend to select the best one with the most potential to use as my idea for my final coursework. Click here to read my second developed coursework idea. 

My Idea So Far
For this idea, I want to invoke emotion in the audience and allow them to emphasize with the character. This would be an appropriate opening because the audience would connect with the character and therefore can support them throughout the remainder of the film. The genre[s] I am leaning towards in regards to this film is Post-Apocalyptic Drama.

Basic Plot Idea
An image I found to set the tone for the
It's a post apocalyptic world and the protagonist is walking - he looks sad and kneels in front of a handmade grave (made of twigs and rope). He fiddles with a wedding ring before breaking down. He pulls out a gun ready to kill himself before hearing rustling in the bushes. He turns, holding his gun cautiously and something runs out at him. It is revealed to be a dog and the man is amazed at seeing an animal alive and well in such good condition. He puts his gun away, signalling his restored hope and it ends on him walking off with the dog by his side, cuing the title of the film.

Holkham Beach, a nature reserve with vast sands that resemble
a desert - a potential location
The setting I thought would be conventionally post-apocalyptic - dead plants and isolated, perhaps a sign that life has lived here before through the use of props etc. On the contrary, I would like the setting to be somewhere that connotes peace as the protagonist travels somewhere 'peaceful' to die. Many settings can do this, for example, using a forest, particularly at this time of year (winter) when all the plants would be dead and the forest would look bare and brown. On the contrary, a place like a beach nature reserve (so there are no architectural developments and bustling tourism) would connote peace very well. On the contrary, using a beach without actually establishing it as a beach (eg. don't show the sea so the audience doesn't know it's a beach) will look quite post-apocalyptic as the sand looks like a desert which is commonly associated with the post-apocalyptic genre. Overall, the setting should probably be quite natural, with maybe rubble or destroyed signs of previous life to imply there is a history to the fictional world. In terms of time, it will be set in the future, as obviously a post apocalyptic world isn't a representation of our modern world. I will likely shoot at daytime when there is plenty of sunshine to achieve the most attractive footage.


  • Character A - the Grieving Survivor: This character will be the protagonist of the film and presented as already broken before the story already starts. He has a history prior to the film which is implied in the opening - his ring and the grave suggests the death of a former spouse. He's quite instinctual however, as he shows caution when he hears rustling in the bushes despite being about to kill himself. 
  • Character B - The Dog: this character is only introduced at the end of the sequence however plays a huge role - he gives the protagonist hope that leads to him choosing not to end his own life, and therefore marks the beginning of the story. 

What Camera Shots and Angles Would You Use?
To depict the man and establish the unfamiliar setting I would use long shots and very long shots, this makes the man look isolated in his background. I would use intimate angles eg. close ups, to capture his emotion when grieving his wife and holds the gun to his head. I would also use a slightly high angle to make the protagonist look vulnerable. I would also use a canted angle and a low angle before the dog is revealed properly to make them seem like a threat and also disrupt the emotional scene, creating false tension in the audience. I would use two shots to show the dog and the man in the same frame too to signify a potential relationship.

What Are the Pros and Cons of this Coursework Idea?

  • It's a unique idea with a unique setting that can therefore be engaging
  • Its sad theme has the ability to invoke emotion in the audience if created effectively
  • It shows conventions to both of its genre and therefore would appeal to its target audience
  • It has only one human character meaning I won't have to work around loads of people's schedules, giving more open filming days
  • It has only one location and therefore doesn't require a lot of travelling

  • It requires a dog which may be hard to direct and control
  • It might be hard to find a setting that looks very post apocalyptic and may require other prompts to suggest its genre
  • It might be quite hard for the audience to understand the history of the protagonist, so may require more prompts eg. narration

Overall, I really like this idea. It will be quite hard to film as I'll need to direct a dog who, obviously, has no concept of acting. However, if pulled off it will hopefully have the ability to make the audience empathize with the character. 

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