Saturday 24 December 2016

Final Characters and Casting

Final Cast and Character Profiles

Character A - Protagonist
This is the final character profile for the protagonist in my film opening, to read the justification for each title in this profile, click here.

Name: Unnamed

Age: Young Adult

Profession: 'Survivor'

Likes: Safety, peace, his former partner, animals, the world-how-it-used to-be

Dislikes: Being alone, other survivors/threatening survivors, the world-in-its-state, his life

History: A portion of the character's history is revealed in the opening two minutes, however slowly I think throughout the rest of the film the remainder of his history will be unravelled. For the portion the audience sees in the opening sequence, we find out that he had someone very close to him, assumedly his partner, though this isn't made explicit, is murdered brutally by another survivor. The protagonist either escaped or was left for dead, somehow surviving. Prior to this, he spent his time surviving/scavenging with his partner until he encountered the group of bloodthirsty looters which lead to his downfall.  Before the 'apocalypse' he lived a rather average lifestyle in an urban environment. Whether he met his partner after the 'apocalypse' or before is undecided.

Traits: Resourceful, agile, strong, emotional, strong-willed, empathetic, hopeful, bitter, cautious

Three Words To Describe Them: Exhausted, Isolated, Broken

After putting together a list of actors who were willing to portray the protagonist, I have created a list of pros and cons of using each actor, which you can read here. Out of these actors, I have chosen Elliott Gillespie to portray the protagonist.

Elliott Gillespie
Age: 16 Years Old
Profession: College Student

Headshot of Elliott Gillespie

Justification For Cast Choice: 
The reasons I have selected Elliott to play the role of the protagonist are the following: firstly, I know that he's a talented actor as I have worked with him on a previous practice project - he will adapt to the role well. Secondly, he lives nearby me, therefore, getting to the locations together will be convenient. I know him well so working together won't be awkward and I will feel comfortable directing him and he will feel comfortable being directed by me, he will also act naturally because he is comfortable around me. He knows the other cast members relatively well, too, so will be comfortable and act naturally around them. He's comfortable with close-ups of his face which will allow much more freedom when framing my shots.

The costume worn by the protagonist will be quite scruffy looking to make it look like he's been living in the outdoors for a long while. Using green and brown, earthy tones will look most appropriate as these colours are associated with nature and post-apocalyptic settings, so using these tones will help construct the mise-en-scene.

Black T-Shirt &
Black Trousers/Jeans - The reason I have selected for the protagonist to wear black clothing is to reflect on his emotional state - he's in a constant state of depression and dark colours are a good way to represent this as darker tones are associated with more negative connotations. Furthermore, although it's not set in our common society, I wanted to reflect on the idea that he is in mourning, as people in mourning wear black. Furthermore, using colourful clothing will look out of place in a post-apocalyptic setting. Moreover, I thought that wearing dark colours underneath green represents his situation: he's among nature in a peaceful setting (represented through the coat) and he himself feels down and depressed (represented through the coat). I will acquire these through the actor as he has these items of clothing which is convenient because they'll fit him and can be easily sourced. 

Khaki Parka Coat - Using a coat helps add to the survivor image as, obviously, a survivor is resourceful (as is the protagonist) and would, therefore, find ways in keeping warm in their environment. The reason the coat will be a khaki green is because the colours are associated with nature and a post-apocalyptic setting and would, therefore, fit with the theme of the film. Another reason green is a good choice in colour is because it camouflages with his natural backdrop, this reflects his cautious nature. I will acquire this through the actor as he has this item of clothing which is convenient because it'll fit him and can be easily sourced.

Brown Walking Boots - Walking boots are an appropriate choice in costume because they're most realistic. After all, a person surviving in the wild wouldn't be wearing shoes that cannot protect their feet or cause discomfort. The reason they are brown is because brown is an earthy/sombre colour which is associated with post-apocalyptic settings and therefore adds to the iconography. The walking boots are mildly scuffed, this will reflect on how long he has been surviving in the wilderness. Moreover, it represents all that he has endured, both physically and mentally and reflects on his broken image. I will acquire these through the actor as he has them which is convenient because they'll fit him and can be easily sourced.

Fingerless Gloves - The reason I have chosen fingerless gloves is because they add to the rugged image of the protagonist. Moreover, they reflect on his resourceful nature because they serve as warmth as well as practicality. I will acquire these through the actor as he has them of clothing which is convenient because they'll fit him and can be easily sourced.

Brown Scarf - This will reflect on his resourceful nature as it keeps the character warm in the environment in which he is in. The brown tones suit the post-apocalyptic setting but are also used as camouflage, further reinforcing his resourcefulness. I will acquire this through the actor as he has this which is convenient because it'll fit and can be easily sourced.

Green Gas Mask - Gas masks are a very distinguishable part of post-apocalyptic iconography so this helps establish the genre to the audience. Furthermore, it suggests some sort of history behind the 'apocalypse' in my film, therefore aiding the exposition. It, again, reflects on the characters resourcefulness and cautious nature as he tries to maintain his safety. To acquire this, I have asked my friends and family if they have one available to borrow. Conveniently, my friend did. If they did not have one then I would have acquired one from online. 

Knee Pads - the reason the character is wearing knee pads is to reflect his cautious nature and like of safety as he goes to subtle measures to maintain his safety. The actor has a pair of knee pads which we can use. 

Character B - Female Victim (deceased) 

Name: Unnamed

Age: Young Adult

Profession: 'Survivor'

Likes: the protagonist, animals

Dislikes: violence, murder

History: Before her death, she spent her time surviving with the protagonist. They pretty much share a history.

Traits: Empathetic, sympathetic, kind, passive, patient, resourceful,  happy

Three Words To Describe Them: optimistic, loyal, passive

Out of the selection of actresses that said they were willing to perform the role, I have chosen Beth Precious.

Bethany Precious
Age: 17 Years Old
Profession: College Student

Headshot of Beth Precious

Justification of Casting Choice:
The reason I have chosen Beth to portray the role of the female victim is because she's good at being directed on camera. Furthermore, she's comfortable on camera and knows the other actors and myself very well, meaning she can act naturally around us. She's comfortable with having close-ups being captured of her which gives more freedom and she lives conveniently close to me, meaning travelling won't be too much of an issue.

Only the upper half of the character will be seen on camera, however, I have created a full costume plan on the off-chance that plans change.

Green Knitted Jumper - Green is a colour associated with the post-apocalyptic genre so employing this colour will help construct the mise-en-scene and make the genre identifiable to the audience. This colour is also associated with nature, which I wanted to use to represent how she's one with nature and her love of animals. I already have a green knitted jumper Beth can borrow on the day of filming. 

Black Trousers - black is a dark colour and won't stand out too much, if a brighter colour is used it won't be suitable for a post-apocalyptic film as this is not a conventional colour. Beth has a pair of black trousers she can wear, this is convenient because they're easily acquirable and will definitely fit her. 

Black Hiking Boots -  This shows she is one with nature too as hiking boots are associated with nature. Moreover, they're realistic shoes to be wearing in a post-apocalyptic environment. Beth owns a pair of hiking boots that she can wear on the day of filming. 

Character C - Murderer

Name: Unnamed

Age: Adult

Profession: 'survivor'/'looter/bandit'

Likes: Stealing, violence, murder

Dislikes: people who fight back, those who don't obey/submit to him, threats

History: This character grew to suit the rugged lifestyle of surviving and soon became the leader of a gang of looters/bandits, the power grew to his head and his sanity is now questioned.

Traits: manipulative, violent, shameless, unsympathetic, hateful

Three Words To Describe Them: unlawful, intimidating, bloodthirsty

Out of the actors who said they were willing to be a part of the production, I have chose Rowan Knights to portray the bandit depicted in the flashback. Rowan doesn't need to bare many similarities to what I had in mind as only a fraction of his body will be in shot. This being said, on the off-chance that plans change I will dress him in an appropriate costume/makeup to make him look the part.

Rowan Knights 
Image may contain: 1 person, close-up and indoorAge: 17 Years Old
Profession: College Student

Justification of Casting Choice: 
I have chosen Rowan to take on the role because he is very good at acting aggressive and psychotic, which is perfect for the character (if I choose to add the character properly into the story). Furthermore, he lives nearby which is highly convenient when getting to locations. He also has some experience in acting so I know he can adapt to roles well.

This character does not feature heavily in the opening two minutes, however, I have put together a full costume list, just in case I change plans on set.

Large Black Coat - The reason for a coat is to conceal the character to make them seem less open and honest, reflecting on their nature. Furthermore, black is often associated with evil and darkness correlating with the character himself. I have an oversized black coat in which Rowan can wear on the day of filming. 

Black T-Shirt - Using dark colours again plays on the idea of evilness. Rowan has a black t-shirt he can wear for filming.

Dark Jeans - Wearing dark trousers really reflects on his dark and evil image, making the audience feel intimidated by him. Wearing dark clothing doesn't stand out either, which is appropriate in a post-apocalyptic film as bright, vivid colours is not conventional. Rowan has a pair of jeans he can wear for filming.

Black Hiking Boots - hiking boots are appropriate in a post-apocalyptic setting as they're realistic. Moreover, the colour continues to reflect on the nature of the character. Rowan has a pair of boots he can wear for filming. 

Character D - The Dog

Name: Unnamed

Age: Approximately 2 Years Old (by appearance)

Profession: Guard dog

Likes: the protagonist, friendly humans, food, playing

Dislikes: threats, violent/threatening survivors

History: The dog was born after the 'apocalypse' as he's quite young, he was socialised and raised by kind humans which is why he has a fondness of the protagonist. His previous (or current, depending on the direction of the film) owner is a kind old secluded man. He was either killed by looters or lives in his own setup, where the dog may lead the protagonist.

Traits: Carefree, gentle, happy, hyperactive, protective, agile, impatient

Three Words To Describe Them: Happy-go-lucky, innocent, loyal

Out of the selection of dogs I considered for the role, I have selected Riot to portray the role, as he won the obedience test.

Age: 1 Year Old
Breed: Australian Shepherd

Justification of Casting Choice: 
The reason I chose Riot for the role is because he shares the same personality with the character: happy, carefree, goofy etc. This is important because dogs have no concept of acting and therefore cannot pretend to be this way. Furthermore, he is the most obedient of the dogs considered so this will make the filming process a lot easier. Another factor is the fact that Riot is a very striking looking dog and will look good on camera. He is roughly the same size I had in mind when creating the character.

Riot, as a dog, won't be wearing a costume for the project. This being said, I have considered whether to groom him neatly. On one hand, he's in a post-apocalyptic environment so being neatly groomed won't be realistic. On the other hand, I would like to groom him as he will look bright and out of place which is the intended look because he represents hope. Furthermore, the fact he is groomed nicely begs the question... how? Does he have an owner to do so? This creates mystery and questions in the audience, making them more inclined to watch on and find out.

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